
Creating desired forest conditions through active land management. Planting, thinning, water course rehabilitation and more.

Restoration Forestry

In restoration forestry the long-term goal of the landowner goes beyond sustainable management of the forest resource and trends towards the creation of a late seral stage forest and eventually an old growth forest.  The THP and NTMP are still the best mechanism to reach this goal, but harvest practices move towards retention of all large trees, thinning from below and enhancing old growth characteristics such as basal hollows, large limbs and flat or round topped trees.  Revenue generation is not the ultimate goal under this management strategy, but even limited tree removal may offset permit and logging costs.  

Cost Share Programs for Forest Improvement

California Forest Improvement Program (CFIP) offers cost share programs to cover up to 75% of the costs associated with activities to improve forest conditions.  Eligible practices under this program include preparation of a Forest Management Plan, pre-commercial thinning, pruning, release and slash treatment.

Let's Start Something new. Say Hello!

If you have questions about your property and future forest management, get in touch today.