Planning and Protection

Timber cruise and appraisal, hazard tree assessment and removal, property planning and forest conversion.

Timber Management Plan (TMP)

Rezoning to Timber Production Zone

A TMP is a guiding document for a landowner in managing their forested property.  The county of Santa Cruz requires submittal of a TMP when rezoning a property to Timber Production Zone.  A property must be zoned Timber Production prior to commercial harvesting.  The TMP on its own does not permit timber harvesting but is a required step in the harvest process if a property is not correctly zoned.  

Timber Cruise and Timber Appraisal

A timber cruise is a statistical analysis of a forest used to determine stand characteristics such as volume per acre, growth, size distribution and species composition.  A cruise is typically conducted by sampling 5-10% of the growing space on a property through a grid of appropriately spaced plots.  Plot size and spacing determines the intensity and accuracy of the cruise.  A timber appraisal combines cruise results with current market conditions to determine a value of the timber on a given property.  

Less Than 3-Acre Conversions

This permit allows landowners to convert a portion of their timberland to a non-timberland use.  Examples requiring this permit would be when a landowner chooses to convert a portion of their forest to a homesite, driveway, vineyard or orchard.  Timberland is defined by the State as any area currently growing trees of a commercial species (redwood and Douglas-fir in the Santa Cruz Mountains).  

Fire Hazard Protection

Forests can turn into a fire hazard at any moment during the dry season.  Maintaining a defensible space around the home is critical to protect against forest fires.  Spacing of overstory trees, removal of ladder fuels and appropriate clean-up can effectively address potential fire hazard near home sites.  

Hazard Tree Removal

Trees with potential to damage a home or other property infrastructure should be evaluated and removed or treated as necessary.  

Let's Start Something new. Say Hello!

If you have questions about your property and future forest management, get in touch today.